"Bodiragatsi"means different types of art (drama, storytelling, dance, music, painting) that are used to communicate something. It was the theme of a camp that we have been working towards for a couple of months now. This past week, 64 kids from around southern Botswana, who had been identified by their school cousellors as OVCs (orphans and vulnerable children), many of whom struggle in school with behavior or academic issues (or they are just creative types- a learning style that is not always accommodated) gathered at Mokolodi Nature Reserve. Mokolodi hosts camps with their Environmental Education Program, which are usually reserved for the star students and for those who can afford it. With the help of a fantastic group of facilitators, and a grant from PEPFAR, these kids experienced something new. There was a lot of creativity, some insightful discussions about health and life skills, plenty of first wildlife sightings, good attitudes all around, and a lot of fun!