Friday, December 26, 2014

Update on the Books

Good news! After half a year of waiting and red tape, the books are finally being processed! The back room of our library is strewn with stacks like this on the floor and table, being sorted and catalogued, and will hopefully be on the shelves soon...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Botswana just finished 16 days of activism against gender-based violence leading up to World AIDS Day. Gender inequality is a leading driver of HIV/AIDS here because many women are stuck in situations that give them no power to make relationship decisions. One way women can be empowered is through education, especially job skills and financial freedom, giving them the security to choose a relationship that is good for them. For us, on a very small scale, that means working with young women to develop literacy and computer skills and to treat them the way they deserve to be treated by men and boys (as individuals spectacularly made and deeply loved by our Creator). Here, Owen is teaching computer lessons to a few of his youngest (and fastest learning) students. This is Owen's computer science degree hard at work with Hazel for her first time on the computer- lets learn those home row keys! Sorry for the poor video quality. I was trying to film in the next room to avoid distracting her from some pretty intense concentration.